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“In a world that is wrought with continual
strife, turmoil, and anger, it seems as if
there is no longer a haven for peace, joy,
understanding, and hope. But in this
world one such place does exist, and it
is known as Galwenor, the realm of Honor.”
~ Darius Warstone
Hero of Galwenor

This small isolated island kingdom is teeming with opulent beauty. From the moment one wakes to the time they sleep and through the night they are surrounded by inspirational awe. There are captivating, rich landscapes as far as the eye can see; enough to ease the heart of even the most wandered of pilgrims to settle and bask in the lush world for the rest of their days. There is a history of thousands of years back through countless cultures and kings and wars to the beginning of time so vivid and alive even to this day. And there are people and environments of such pure creation and mettle to be called a realm of heaven in and of itself. Galwenor is like no other place in the world, and it is the only place remaining of such indescribable beauty.

While the kingdom of this land is known as Darecium, the very land itself has proven such a strong part of the lives and histories of those who live here to be known by its own name, Galwenor, for the land’s legendary beauty and rich history that has withstood longer than the name of the kingdom of Darecium. Outsiders to this land may still refer to it and those whom live here as Darecians, many natives of the land proudly name themselves of the realm Galwenor. This vivid connection with the lands they live in even above the kingdom they are a part of mirrors how most of the people of this realm feel and act towards their clan-based government. While largely proud, loyal, and supportive of their hierarchial government, the people put more emphasis on the faith and love of their land. This has led to occasions in Galwenor’s history of some very important and sometimes very long-lived wars about land and leadership balances.

Darecium is quite a small kingdom when compared with others throughout the world, but not the smallest by any means. However, the kingdom has not undergone any expansion or loss of border or claim to land in many centuries. This is all due to the strong isolation of the island kingdom from the rest of the world. In fact, the kingdom of Darecium has had the exact same land claim and borders for over eight hundred years, since the legendary noble and hero Darius forged an iron alliance between all the separate clan realms that rule Darecium, sealing each promised alliance with a blessing by the ancient goddess Athena, goddess of Honor and Civilization. As part of this alliance a code of honor was forged, written in a book of virtuous ideals and chivalrous duties called the Tome of Honor. It laid out military rules of honorable conduct for all warriors of all clans, and a promise to stand ready to aid other clans and defend the kingdom from outside invasion or grave threats of destruction to Galwenor. Throughout the years the iron bond of the people and proven strength of unity in the lands slowly led to a universally viewed united realm now known as Darecium. But still the kingdom of Darecium has no centralized government, but is instead ruled by the individual clans whom work together towards harmony and progressive coexistence.

Unlike the land claims of the entire kingdom of Darecium, the individual clans that claim small parts of the realm have continually engaged in civil strife over land claims, borders, resources, and power throughout the history of Galwenor. While most of these conflicts throughout history have been small skirmishes between two rival clans for no more than ten years, there have been wars recorded in history that have lasted for generations and nearly ripped the entire kingdom apart, as each individual clan fought against all others for survival. But it was through these wars between clans that the clan hierarchial governments and political ties that are in place today have evolved, and each clan has a rich connection with the memory and history of those of their land long ago in these conflicts. Great warriors of each clan from these ancient wars are well known from clan to clan, and may be seen as tyrant monsters in other clans even.

Perhaps the most constant and noticeable aspect seen every day in Galwenor is honor – something other kingdoms have long forgotten or left behind as an ideal dead with kingdoms and heroes of long ago. But it lives on in Galwenor, especially in the manner and aspects of war. Battles are often highly ritualized, beginning where soldiers would open barrage of arrows at opponents of the opposite army until coming within closer range. Warriors would then engage enemies in single paired-off groups, almost like individual duals. In all cases, there is always an aspect of honor present in the actions of the soldiers. Those soldiers who do not abide by the chivalrous rules of engagement may be banished from their army, or worse, sentenced to death. It is from this ever-present striving and willingness to protect honor that Galwenor is known as the Realm of Honor.

The land of Galwenor is organized into eleven provinces ruled over by four clans. The provinces are somewhat split based upon their geographic regions as they vary from one area to the next. Overall, Galwenor is a mountainous island, where gorgeous rolling valleys lush with farms and thick forests are crested by rounded green mountains. This rough geography has led to the somewhat city-state way of living for most Galwenorans. This means that few people live scattered about through the wilderness, but instead will gather together in some size of village, which are mostly self-sufficient. Generally the people are quite hearty folk whom have learned from generation to generation to live from the land well, to grow, to prosper, and most of all to live in their relative peace. Larger settlements are usually centers of trade as well as fortified locations and military strongholds.

But while Galwenor has been populated by people for thousands of years and seen countless kingdoms, nobles, wars, and cultures, much of it is still quite mystical and even unknown. The isolated centers of civilizations are sometimes separated by large amounts of utter wilderness, usually thick forest regions or difficult to traverse mountains. There are countless legends, tales, and lore about the unknown and mysteries of Galwenor including tales of strange creatures and places rarely ever seen by people. Each tale and legend continues to add to the rich culture and history of this magnificent land.

The names, dates, events, and all other aspects in the campaign setting of Galwenor are all works of fiction by Brett Bandy, Adam Mead, and Hannah Bandy. It is intended purely for imagination and creativity in a fantasy setting.
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