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“In a world that is wrought with continual
strife, turmoil, and anger, it seems as if
there is no longer a haven for peace, joy,
understanding, and hope. But in this
world one such place does exist, and it
is known as Galwenor, the realm of Honor.”
~ Darius Warstone
Hero of Galwenor

Location: City of Azeroth - The Govians are predominately found within the city of Azeroth, and never outside of the lands of the Warstone clan. A very strict edict by Ellisa Warstone requires that all Govians must remain within the lands of the Warstone clan. All of the Govians' trade base is in the city of Azeroth, so the vast majority live and work in the city with only a few travelers and merchants outside the city. A sort of sub-settlement within the city of Azeroth has become the headquarters for these newcomers' trading company, where ships from their native land can unload goods and resupply.

Leadership: Obadar Rithno (LE male human expert 5/rogue 10) - The trading company created by the Govians has been under the direction of many people since their landing in Galwenor. No one truly knows the reason for so many changes in leadership at their headquarters, but there are abundant rumors about the subject. Currently a very politically-driven man named Obadar Rithno is acting director of the Govian trade company. Not much is known about the man, as he does not tend to wander outside the Govian settlement in Azeroth, but the few whom have had direct contact with him have left with questions about his true intentions.

Members: 300 to 500 - The Govians may be seen more as a trading company than an actual organization. However, their sub-settlement of Azeroth is almost a self-sufficient trade city itself with more positions and workers than just who works as merchants of Govian goods or dock hands for their shipments. This small city is currently quite compact with a population between 300 and 500 people depending upon the number of ships at port. The population continues to grow, however, as Govians begin families and others come in small groups from their native kingdom. Very few from these live outside of the Govian settlement in Azeroth.

Secrecy: Limited - The presence of the Govians has been heard throughout the entire kingdom. Before the Govians, all other outsiders had been denied haven in Galwenor for their overall intent always became conquest. But a decade ago a Govian ship sailed into Azeroth, from a distant unknown land, and proposed a peaceful trade agreement only. After a long period of discussion, negotiation, and observation, Ellisa Warstone declared that the newcomers would be allowed to stay, but only within the Warstone clan lands and be under obersvation. Trade restrictions and laws were also passed so only the Warstone clan could directly trade with the Govians. However, their various goods are whispered of in far off halls. But while it seems the whole kingdom knows about the Govians, only a small percentage have actually met with them. It has been rumored lately, though, that Govians have been seen outside settlements in several regions beyond the Warstone clan lands, but this has yet to be proven and remains only a rumor.

The names, dates, events, and all other aspects in the campaign setting of Galwenor are all works of fiction by Brett Bandy, Adam Mead, and Hannah Bandy. It is intended purely for imagination and creativity in a fantasy setting.
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