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“In a world that is wrought with continual
strife, turmoil, and anger, it seems as if
there is no longer a haven for peace, joy,
understanding, and hope. But in this
world one such place does exist, and it
is known as Galwenor, the realm of Honor.”
~ Darius Warstone
Hero of Galwenor

Location: Ancient village of Artesia - In a very remote plains lies a small ancient elven village atop a strange plateau. There have been rumors from long ago that some sort of treasure can be found in Artesia, but even the locals claim there has never been any great treasure found. But strangely enough, in this small village there exists a great manor house which today is the headquarters for the village's rather impressive armed force. It is also the secret foundation of the Guardian Order, and has proved a well protected and secretive base for their actions for almost a thousand years. The Order originated in this location where the ancient king Kuzodomo left part of his great treasure hidden here.

Leadership: Melyonna Silverstar (CN female elf cleric 10 fighter 5) - Melyonna is the mother of Eross Silverstar, who is a sergeant of Artesia's band of military protectors and the local smith. Melyonna has been living in the great manor in Artesia her entire life, her father being the previous owner and secretly the previous head of the Guardian Order. Her role, however, is a complete secret to all but the twenty other members of the Order, which even Eross is completely oblivious exists. Melyonna's father began the Guardian Order almost a thousand years ago when he believed the Gods would fight a great battle to determine who would have the greatest influence on the world for the next thousand years. The battle was completely unknown to all of mankind except to an unfortunate few such as Melyonna's father. He established the Order to try and eliminate any chance that people could interfere with the battle of the Gods, and to guard the secrets related to the heavenly war. He passed the duty on to his only heir, Melyonna, but by this time the great battle had ended and she never played witness to any events of it such as her father. Soon, it will be time for her to pass on the duty to her only son, who has secretly began to see the beginnings of the war for himself.

Members: 21 exactly - Long ago when the Order was first formed, Melyonna's father gathered to his cause over one hundred strong and noble knights and showed them of the great battle between the Gods. But the world was not to know of the great war, and thus they must not know of the Order either. Membership to the Guardian Order was only passed from father to one child throughout the centuries, but as the great war ended, few felt the need for passing along the responsibility and the burden and let the secret die along with them. Today, the Guardian Order is comprised of exactly 21 members, five of which are still in Artesia and the others scattered about Galwenor. All members of the Order are proven warriors whom have sworn to protect and keep secret the knowledge of the great war, and always ensure that no person can interfere with the Gods' battle.

Secrecy: Extremely High - In the world less than two dozen people know of the existence of the Guardian Order, and they are all members of the Order. It is of the highest priority for the Guardian Order that they remain a secret. The knowledge of the Order is passed from a member of the Order to a single one of his or hers children, which is also only accompanied by membership to the Order as well. The Order is so well hidden, in fact, that some members may not ever know or meet other members, and there is no way of telling who is a member of the Order. The only place that the Guardian Order's crest is even displayed is at their headquarters in Artesia.

The names, dates, events, and all other aspects in the campaign setting of Galwenor are all works of fiction by Brett Bandy, Adam Mead, and Hannah Bandy. It is intended purely for imagination and creativity in a fantasy setting.
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