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“In a world that is wrought with continual
strife, turmoil, and anger, it seems as if
there is no longer a haven for peace, joy,
understanding, and hope. But in this
world one such place does exist, and it
is known as Galwenor, the realm of Honor.”
~ Darius Warstone
Hero of Galwenor


The northern-most province in Galwena, Weatherleah is known for having a cooler climate than the rest of the kingdom. The trade city of Carthien is located at the very far eastern corner of the province, and is the political seat for the Shimazu clan. Because of it's natural harbor location near the Golden Cove, Carthien also has numerous ports making it the largest trading city in the northern part of Galwena.

The Caledon Mountains, which run through the center of Weatherleah, are well known for their natural mineral resources including copper and gold. However, because the province is predominately mountain ranges, there are only small areas of land suitable for livestock and farming. The largest of these regions is the Moragol Grasslands. Still, due to the limited area for farmlands Weatherleah has always had a large amount of imported produce and foods from other provinces.

While the province of Weatherleah has earned the reputation as being the outsider or even the primitive region in Galwenor, this is quite far from the truth. For generations the noble heads of the Shimazu Clan have worked to develop a strong infrastructure and economic powerhouse. In many areas of the kingdom there are few roads connecting city-to-city, but in Weatherleah just about every village has a road system to connect to Carthien for trade. The army works hard to patrol these highways to protect trade and supply routes as well, and has a rather well established ring of defense around their capital, Carthien.

The names, dates, events, and all other aspects in the campaign setting of Galwenor are all works of fiction by Brett Bandy, Adam Mead, and Hannah Bandy. It is intended purely for imagination and creativity in a fantasy setting.
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