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“In a world that is wrought with continual
strife, turmoil, and anger, it seems as if
there is no longer a haven for peace, joy,
understanding, and hope. But in this
world one such place does exist, and it
is known as Galwenor, the realm of Honor.”
~ Darius Warstone
Hero of Galwenor

The youngest of the noble lines is the Shimazu family, and their land claims reflect their relatively low rank – or so it appears to everyone else. The Shimazu have claim to the furthest northern regions, having generally poor farming quality and not many well known resources. However, the Shimazu actually hold several very prosperous mines including gold, silver, and other rare metals. The provinces of the Shimazu Clan are known for its strong and wealthy trading routes. In fact, commerce and trading is almost ceremonial in these lands and often is done in a very respectful and almost ritualized way.

Because of the relatively low amounts of fertile farmland, the Shimazu clan has more imported food supplies than other clans. However, because of its heavy ship traffic and access to fishing grounds, it exports the largest amount of fish of all clans. Also as mentioned before, it has access to several valuable mines and fairly large areas of forests for timber.

Leadership: Morvale Shimazu (LN male human aristocrat 15/fighter 5)
Morvale Shimazu, the noble head of the Shimazu clan, is a well respected noble for his cunning ability with business and commerce. Throughout his years as leader he has helped to bring about a great boost to the clan’s economic machine, mostly through increased trade, improved military force, and stronger systems of civil infrastructure. However, on the battlefield Morvale relies more heavily on the services of his military advisors and generals, not being as quick to think or as tactical as others when it comes to military. He has two sons and two daughters all of whom help oversee different matters of the clan.

Capital: Carthien (Large City approx. 87,000; 85% human 15% others)
Carthien is the major city for the Shimazu clan, and is well known as the trading stop for the entire northern part of Darecium. Due to Carthien's distance from other large cities in the kingdom, sailing routes are the main trade method in the city. For this reason, Carthien has an extensive harbor. Carthien is also a well-protected stronghold for the Shimazu military force, including a new castle protecting the harbor and the largest naval fleet of all the clans.

Provinces: Bagdemagus, Weatherleah

Military: Fair (10,000 infantry; 2,500 cavalry; 1,500 supporting)
The strength of the Shimazu clan military is their navy, larger than any other clan. This is due to a large number of sailing routes to protect. Their infantry and cavalry forces are fewer in number than other clans, but they maintain a good presence and are more than adequate to protect the clan from simple threats. It is well known that the Shimazu clan has its strength in its economy and trade, not in its army.

The names, dates, events, and all other aspects in the campaign setting of Galwenor are all works of fiction by Brett Bandy, Adam Mead, and Hannah Bandy. It is intended purely for imagination and creativity in a fantasy setting.
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